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The time has at length arrived for our semi-annual editorial on the propriety of handing in blue books at these last few recitations of the first half-year. In a few weeks we shall all be clamoring for the return of these selfsame blue books from our instructors, -the self-same books, it is true, but also, how changed. It therefore seems but simple justice that we should heed the lesser clamor of our instructors and turn over to their keeping for a few days the books in which "what we do not know" will soon be written.

There is undoubtedly something repugnant in a blue book, the mere sight of one is apt to excite our animosities; they have an effect upon us something akin to that produced by a Yale-Harvard foot ball match-they dampen our ardor. However, like many another thing here at Harvard, they are a necessity, and we have no choice but to support the book stores at this period of the year by a liberal patronage in blue books. Someone is made happy, at any rate. Let us not be so selfish as to want to take away this pleasure.
