
Fact and Rumor.

Hazard is rowing with the senior crew.

Forty men have signed for the freshman nine.

Dr. Hall omitted the lecture in Physics A, yesterday.

Keith, '85, will not now on the University crew this year.

The lungs of the university crew candidates were tested yesterday.


The Glee club will rehearse once a week during the midyears.

Candidates for the Princeton nine are now at work in the gymnasium.

It is rumored that Smith of Columbia has run a mile in 4.29 in practice.

The sixth theme in English 12, subject, a description, is due on Monday, the 19th.

W. A. Brooks of last year's freshman crew is now a candidate for the university eight.

Professor Bocher will hold no further recitations in French 8 until after the midyears.

F. G. Attwood, '78, has another of his college sketches and articles in this week's number of Life.

Less than a week of recitations remain before the examinations. Only four days after today.

The nine are now using the chest weights, and will also take up some of the exercises devised by M. Lathrop.

A Columbia undergraduate seeing the fine appointments of the Hemenway gymnasium, said that Harvard ought to defeat Columbia at rowing every time, when the material for the crews of the rival colleges was the same.
