

We invite all members of the university to contribute of our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:-After long and patient walling on the part of the college, the Index is at last out, but as we look over its pages and scent the mass of dry facts laid before us, we are disposed to ask with Arthur in the play, "cui Bono? It is not that the Index is not useful and even indispensable as far as it goes, but that it does not go far enough. A stranger who had been looking over the publication of a like nature which other colleges have, and marked their wealth of illustration and the variety of their pages, would doubtless expect to fine that the greatest University of the country had gotten up something very choice and desirable; but how rudely would the feelings of that stranger be shocked when he saw the plain little handbook that does duty with us.

At Yale, Princeton, and many other colleges which I could name, no organization is too insignificant to have an illustration at the head of its page, no society too prosaic in character to have an engraving to illustrate the work it does. There is one of the largest colleges of this country where it is the business of each sophomore class to choose a board of eight or ten editors to bring out their publication, and the result is that the work appears in a month or two at latest after the opening of their Junior year; and not only this but every class takes particular pains to surpass the work of those before them, so that the result is more and more gratifying every year. The range of the book is also much larger than with us, embracing such organizations as private club tables, whose members vie with one another to produce the most laughable or unique pictures of the club,-published of course at the expense of the members. Private tennis clubs are also included as well as the occupants of each room of the college dormitories, a very useful feature by the way.

Now why can we not have such a publication? It cannot be that with our fifteen or sixteen hundred students all the wit and talent of illustration is bound up in the Lampoon, and by making the number of editors larger the work for each one would be comparatively small, and, best of all, the work would be out in time to be of use.


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