
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except: "Lost' and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Tutoring in N. H. 1. Apply at Little's Block, 26.

WANTED-Notes copied. Apply at No. 31 Thayer.

Tutoring in Eng. 2 and Classics, '85, 43 Thayer Hall.

Tutoring in N. H. 1 and 4. E. H. Nichols, 25 Hollis.

Tutoring in History 11. C. A. Pratt, 30 Hollis.


Tutoring in N. H. 2 and in Hist. 13. J. A. Hill, 48 Thayer.

Tutoring in N. H. 8, 4, 3 and 2. H. Webster, 6 Little's.

TO LET-A sunny, furnished apartment at 715 Cambridge street.

Tutoring in N. H. 1 and 2. Apply to D. Kelleher, Stoughton 12.

Tutoring in Political Economy 1 and German. T. H. Root, 22 Divinity.

Tutoring in History 1. Henry Schofield, 13 Hollis.

Mrs. Robie can accommodate another club table. Apply at 16 Oxford st.

Tutoring in English 2, and Classics. Apply to " '85, " 43 Thayer Hall.

WANTED-A guitar. Communicate with C. G. P., 35 Thayer Hall.

Tutoring in History XI and N. H. II. Apply to John M. Thompson, Hollis 13.
