
Fact and Rumor.

Blue books must be handed in Phil. 4, tomorrow.

Goethe's Prosa will be begun in GerI tomorrow. Lesson pp. 7.40.

Sunday services in Appleton Chapel have been abandoned until March.

The Lampoon of last Saturday excited much favorable comment.

The idea of presenting a testimonial to Col. Bancroft is a most happy one.


W. H. Manning, '82, captain of the eleven for two years was in Cambridge on Saturday.

There is an article in the current number of the Chautanquan upon "Yale and Yale Customs."

A project is on foot among Boston capitalists to build an electrical railway out to Harvard Square.

The attention of base ball men is called to the meeting of candidates for the nine to be held this afternoon.

The grounds of the Shelf. Gun Club were used by the shooting men of Yale for the first time Wednesday afternoon.-[News.

A larger number of Yale sophomores were dropped after the Christmas examinations than the class ever lost before.

The demand for the Index will be probably very great for a few days. Eighty-Eight will doubtless follow the example of its predecessors in anxiety to "see its name in print."

It has been ascertained that the Memorial waiter who speaks only French at table does so from choice, merely, as be is also thoroughly versed in Spanish, German and Italian.

Prof. Palmer has asked us to say that he will be happy to see all students who are desirous of meeting Prof. Thompson, at his rooms, 27 Stoughtoo, from 4 to 6 this afternoon.

The class of '29 held its annual dinner at Parker's last week. There were ten gentleman present, among them being Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Freeman Clark. Five of the gentlemen were ministers.

The Zeta Psi fraternity held their 38th annual meeting on Thursday at Philadelphia. The signa chapter of the University of Pennsylvania were the hosts. Delegates were present from fourteen chapters. Harvard was represented.

Mr. George Goldie, for 14 years instructor of gymnastics at Princeton, has resigned his position to take the superintendency of the New York Athletic Club His loss will be felt keenly by the students, among whom he had become very popular.

The Inter-collegiate Rowing Association met in New York last week. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President. W. Bird, Princeton; Vice-President, R. I. Thompson, Bowdoin; Secretary, C. Jones, University of Pennsylvanial; Treasurer, F. G. Scoffield, Cornell. All matters pertaining to the next regatta were interested to the Regatta Committee, but it will probably be rowed July 4 on Saratoga Lake.
