Tutoring in N. H. 1. Apply at Little's Block, 26.
WANTED-Notes copied. Apply at No. 31 Thayer.
Tutoring in Eng. 2 and Classics, '85, 43 Thayer Hall.
WANTED-A guitar. Communicate with C. G. P., 35 Thayer Hall.
Tutoring in History XI and N. H. II. Apply to John M. Thompson, Hollis 13.
FOUND-Bunch of keys, apply to A. M. Morse, 28 Dunster street, Cambridge, after 6.30 P. M.
German lessons given for 45 cents per hour by Plato, German professor, 854 1-2 Main street, Cambridge.
WANTED-To employ, one or two afternoons a week, by a Professor in the University, the services of a student expert in shorthand writing. Address enclosing specimens of longhand, STENOGRAPHER, Cambridge, Mass.
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