

No Headline

A few days ago we expressed our surprise at the manner in which the committee chosen by the students to draw up a petition to the faculty for the retention of foot ball, had performed their work. We regret that a better acquaintance with the facts has not caused us to change our views. The committee, however, was not as active as the petition which they handed in would lead one to believe. Communication was had with Yale and Princeton, and a set of revised rules submitted to these colleges. Satisfactory arrangements could not be made, however, before the meeting of the faculty, and accordingly another delay was asked. We still fail to see why the committee did not make this state of things clear to the faculty and, moreover, submit their proposed revision of the rules to that body. The faculty could then have had some ground to work upon and would not have been left so much in the dark as to the students' intentions. A petition might have been handed in praying for a continuation of the game under the rules therein set down.

We do not wish to do injustice to anyone, and we appreciate the work which the committee attempted to do, but we fail to see why some such plan was not followed.
