FOR SALE.-A table gas Iamp, at 26 Little's Block.
Mrs. Robie, 16 Oxford St., wishes to fill two club tables.
To LET.-One of the best rooms in Hiltons Block. Apply to 27 Thayer.
Mr. J. W. Dalzell '79, Private Tutor, 18 Appian Way.
TO LET.-A suite of unfurnished rooms at 882 Main St., nearly opposite Beck Hall.
TO LET-Three elegant rooms on one floor, locality best in Cambridge. Enquire at Pach's Studio.
Highest eash prices paid for secondhand clothing. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Archambeau, 4 Brattle St., Cambridge.
Correct styles in garments for young men, at moderate prices, can be obtained of H. L. Hurlbut, Tailor, 125 Tremont Street.
Billy Fraser, Light Weight Champion of New England, the popular teacher of sparring, will receive communications addressed to New Church St., Somerville, Mass.
FOR SALE,-The following articles will be sold very cheap for cash, as the owner wishes to leave Cambridge immediately: portieres, chairs, curtains, and a pedestal fitted with drawers, also a 54 inch Brittish Challenge Bicycle. Call at 18 Weld, to day between 10 and 12
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