Prof. Sauveur had about 400 students in the summer school of languages at Burlington.
Members of Greek and Latin 1 and 3 will meet Prof. Greenough today at 12 in Sever 16.
Members of N. H. 8 will meet in the museum today at 10, to arrange for fleld work.
A comparatively musical gong has been substituted for the prayer bell at Memorial Hall.
Mr. R. D. Sears, '83, the tennis champion of the United States, has entered the medical school
First thesis in Phil. 4 is due October 21st, the subject being "The Ethical System of Hobbes.
The old rooms of the Alpha Delta Phi in Hilton block have been converted into student rooms.
A number of Harvard men stopped at New Haven on their way to Cambridge to see football played.
Several delegates to the Convention of British Scientists, held in Montreal, visited Memorial Hall. Saturday.
A new feature of the Amherst Gymnasium is a billiard room, containing two billiard tables and one pool table.
All doubts as to what college will now win the tennis championship, have disappeared unless some accident happens.
John Ruskin during the coming month will favor the Oxford University students with a series of lectures on art.
The new and elegant edition of the popular "Students Songs," published by Moses King, is now in press, and will soon appear.
Several tender-hearted Juniors in the zoology optional were startled by the information that they would be expected to practice vivisection.-[Yale News.
At Cornell University, a statute has been made providing for the annual appropriation of $4,800, to be used in establishing Scholarships and Fellowships.
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