EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:-We see in your Saturday's issue an editorial complaining of the lack of energy of the Tennis Association, especially with regard to the Inter-collegiate tournament at Hartford, which commences October 7.
Had not the tournament at Longwood, next week, withdrawn so many of our players from college grounds, we should have our annual tournament before October 7. This is now impossible, and therefore the executive committee have decided to appoint the representative teams. Mr. R. D. Sears, M. S., will be one of our single representatives, and his title to the place we are sure no one will dispute. The other place in singles, naturally belongs to Mr. P. E. Presbrey. '85, the college champion. However, if any man should wish to dispute his place, we are sure that he would gladly give them an opportunity during the week at Longwood. As for the doubles, Mr. Sears has requested Mr. H. A. Taylor, '86, to play with him. This, of course, is also open to dispute, and the executive committee hope that there will be no hesitation in either singles or doubles from men who feel themselves able to try for a position on the team.
The association has been able to do little, heretofore, simply from lack of funds. The treasury would be filled to overflowing, did every man pay the slight assessment asked of him, which is cheaper tennis than can be obtained elsewhere.
We hope that a sentiment of honor will forbid an evasion of that payment by players. The college authorities are thinking of taking charge of the courts in the spring, but wish, first, to allow us one chance to run them ourselves. Let us try to profit by it.
HOWARD A. TAYLOR, Vice-President Tennis Association.
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