

No Headline

The daily paper at Harvard begins the fourth year of its existence under somewhat more favorable circumstances than have hitherto fallen to its lot. Since the founding of the paper its life has been one continual struggle for that support which pride in all that belongs to Harvard should have prompted. During the year just passed, however, the college has improved in this respect and we can but ask to receive the same support, both literary and pecuniary, for another year. We shall endeavor to make the paper what it has ever attempted to be, a newspaper of college news, devoted to the interest and welfare of Harvard and her students. In accomplishing this end we depend upon the students to assist us. A paper, to be of the college, must be supported by the college. It concerns us all, its success is our success, its failure is our failure.

With but three papers in the field the success of each should be assured, especially as of these three, the Lampoon, the Advocate, and the DAILY CRIMSON, not one conflicts in aim or purpose with another. There is room for each, and each should succeed.
