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To anyone who has ever had an examination in U. E. R. on a hot June day, it will be an unnecessary statement for us to make when we say that an examination held in that room is rather a test of physical endurance than of knowledge. But there seems to be such ignorance among those who have charge of our examinations in regard to the ventilation of this room that year by year examinations are held in it in spite of the great heat and the bad air which are its chief characteristics. We wish to publicly call attention to this state of affairs, and urge that for the future, if it be too late to change now, all examinations which would be held in U. E. R., be held in the unoccupied recitation rooms of Sever. The ventilation of Sever is none too good, but it is most perfect when compared with the utter lack of ventilation which U. E. R. possesses.

Everyone knows how hard it is to take a three hours examination at this season of the year at best, and the difference which ventilation makes is very considerable. So it seems most reasonable to ask for this change or some other which shall remedy this unnecessary grievance.
