

Since the class races the freshman as well as the university crew, has undergone several changes, which necessarily make improvement slower than would otherwise be expected. Keyes and Burgess, after an interval of several weeks, have resumed their seats in the boat at numbers seven and four respectively. On Monday Baum did not row, as it was feared that he had water on the knee. His place was taken by Alexander. The freshmen, as may be seen from the weights given below, are an exceptionally heavy crew. They are a powerful set of men, and are rowing fairly well. There is a tendency noticeable in several of the men to use the arms to soon What the crew needs is to have the same eight row together for a few weeks, so that the men can all get accustomed to each other. Then, after obtaining more uniformity by a few long pulls, they ought to be the fastest freshman crew that has met Columbia within the last four years. The crew rows every day at about six o'clock. Col, Bancroft coaches them from the steam launch, which enables him to get a better view of the men and gives the coxswain abundant opportunity of learning how to steer the shell and to coach the men.

There are now four substitutes in training, two of whom rowed in the class races. The weights of the crew and substitutes are as follows:


Bow. W. A. Brooks, 165.

2. C. F. Ayer, 168.


3. R. F. Fiske, 153.

4. T. P. Burgess, 176.

5. W. Endicott. 175.

6. A. R. Baum, 180.

7. H. W. Keyes, 170.

Stroke. G. Mumford, 150.

Substitutes. A. N. Rantoul, 160.

J. S. Russell, 147.

Robinson, 166.

W. Alexander, 153.

Coxswain. G. W. Buck.
