

We invite all members of the university o contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-The published score of the freshman game at New Haven hardly reflects credit upon the menders of our nine, and I think I speak with the majority when I say that the whole result was very disappointing, not only to their own class, so confident before the game, but also to the whole college. The upper-class men saw with the usual misgivings, the freshmen set out on their way to New Haven, and the first news of defeat was not a great shock to most men; but when the details were all in, and the playing had been well talked over by all those who saw the game, a different feeling began to prevail. Judging from the games which both these freshman nines had played before last Saturday, the natural expectation was that the game with Yale would be a close one, and that '87 wold play a good and steady game. Instead, the errors made by them were numberous, showing loose play and a tendency to become"rattled," and the batting was lamentably week.

Still, there is no need of despairing, and our only thought is to brace the freshmen to renewed efforts in the hope that the series will be finished with the favorable balance on their side. But to do this there is need of the hardest work on the part of the freshmen which they have ever done. No stone should be left unturned which can aid them in putting themselves into the field the next time in perfect condition. They cannot deserve the support of the college and a large attendance at their game on Jarvis Field unless they do everything to assure the college that if they loose, it will be through no fault of theirs, but because Yale, '87 really has a better nine than the corresponding class at Harvard. G.
