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A call for reform in the telegraph office in Cambridge has been made, and we wish to lend the weight of our influence to the move. The service supplied to us by the Western Union, to which company the office belongs, is certainly wretched as the regulations show. The business people and citizens of Cambridge are subject to this inconvenience all the year round, and must feel it considerably. The same is true of the body of students, who, connected with all parts of the country by family ties, are often subjected to great personal inconvenience by the delay in receiving important messages from home and from friends. Now, during the spring time, when ball games and athletic games in which Harvard is interested, are taking place at a distance, the undergraduate population as a whole become interested and anxious that the news of victory or defeat should be made known as soon as possible. Often the patient student waits and waits until late in the evening for returns to be posted which ought to be received soon after the dinner hour is over. Looking at the hours regulating the office, we see that the room is closed from 12.30 to 1.30 and from 6 to 7, and that it closes for the night at 8. Thus there is very little opportunity to get evening messages, and this is the time of day when most come. The convenience of all demands that when the attendant is away at meals a substitute should be present, and that the office should be kept open until ten o'clock in the evening. The nine would no doubt contribute a little towards affecting this change, and Cambridge business men might add the rest if the company feel unable to move in the direction of improvement. What is needed is action.

A petition placed at Bartlett's would receive the names of many of the most influential men of Cambridge and of all students interested in getting their messages on time. Such a petition in the hands of interested parties ought to accomplish the desired results and make Cambridge one step nearer perfection.
