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This year has seen three strong and evenly matched freshman nines in the field. Our own freshmen have twice defeated the Brown nine, and have once been beaten by the Yale team, though the latter found the Brown freshmen more than their match. If our freshmen win the third Yale game, which may be played on Friday, we may fairly claim the freshman championship at baseball. In view of the existence of these excellent nines it may be asked why a regular freshman league cannot be organized. It would certainly add more interest to the sport to feel that our freshmen were contending not for the championship of two colleges only, but of several. If the colleges of the New England States should join in this league, the time and expense involved would not be much greater than at present.

A league formed by the freshman nines of Brown, Amherst, Yale and Harvard, would furnish a most interesting series of games, and would be of great value in strengthening the interest felt in the game among the undergraduates at these colleges, besides contributing to the fostering of that class feeling which is so surely becoming extinct among us.
