Marks are out in N. H. 4 and History 13.
Colonel Swan, of '59, will be chief Marshall commencement day.
The final heats in the Exeter Academy boat races will be rowed next Saturday.
President Eliot has stated positively that the degree of LL. D will not be given Gov. Robinson.
The annual dinner of the DAILY CRIMSON will take place at Young's Hotel Wednesday evening.
Several Brown students have been expelled for unseemly conduct at the cremation exercises.
Governor Robinson will be escorted to Harvard on Commencement day by the National Lancers.
An unusually large number of students will remain to see the Yale game, which probably decides the championship.
The fourteenth annual Caledonian games of the Princeton Athletic Association took place last Saturday. The class of '85 carried off the Peace cup, having won the most events.
The following games will be played by the inter collegiate association this week: Monday, Brown vs. Amherst, at Amherst; Wednesday, Harvard vs. Brown, at Providence, (exhibition); Thursday, Princeton vs. Yale, at New York; Saturday, Harvard vs. Yale, at Cambridge.
Harvard vs. Dr. Pope's nine at 4 P. M., on Holmes Field.
It is reported that Dr. Pope has discovered several new and puzzling curves which will play havoc with our batsmen this afternoon.
The Pitcher and third basemen of the Dartmouth nine, Messrs. F. and G. Nettleton, while they are connected in no wise by relationship, are to a day of exactly the same age.
In the inter-collegiate championship games that have been played thus far this season, Yale has made 70 runs to their opponent's 34; Harvard, 83 to 47; Brown, 52 to 46; Amherst, 51 to 59; Princeton, 42 to 67; Dartmouth, 38 to 83.
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