It has been necessary to put a bar secured by lock and key, across the new track to prevent outsiders from using the course on Holmes field. It has been the custom during the past few weeks for bicycle riders of the vicinity of Cambridge to use this track with all the assurance which an undisputed possession alone could justify. It is certainly a thing to be proud of that the excellence of our track meets with such a hearty approval from outsiders, but we feel that we can dispense with their presence as well as with their approval. An occasional ride on the track, will not, it is true, do it any lasting injury, but when this occasional ride become a frequent one, and frequent too with a large number, the matter has gone a little too far and must be stopped, It is, perhaps, not generally known, that the college grounds are reserved for the students alone to practise upon, and are not offered by the university as a supplement to the Cambridge common. We hope this rather free use of private property will be stopped by the present measures. If, however, these are unsuccessful, more stringent rules must be enforced.
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