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The bicycle club today brings to a successful completion its active existence for the college year 1884, a year which has been marked from start to close as one of especial interest to college wheelmen. Never since the club was started, some years ago, has there been so much to interest the lovers of the silent steed and those who have shared in these benefits will have cause to remember the club long after they have become graduates and ceased to frequent the quiet shades of Harvard. That the club has prospered so much is due to the awakened interest in wheeling which the present officers have aroused. All honor is due them, and the club, if it hopes for success in the future, cannot do better than pray that those chosen to the positions of trust under it may equal the present incumbents in efficiency.

Early in the fall the paper hunts or "hare and hounds" chases brought the men together, and until winter set in there were runs or excursions to make the club profitable to its members. During the cold months a number of associate members were added to the organization, and two or three informal "smokers" were held which all the men greatly enjoyed. This spring has shown a revival of out-door work and the race meeting held by the club only a few weeks ago brought to Cambridge much of the best riding talent in the country, making the meeting most successful. Tonight, the last meet and run of the club for the year will be made to Woodlawn Park, Auburndale, and after the return by moonlight another "smoker" will be held to wind up the festivities of the season. With propitious weather there ought to be a large attendance at both the run and "smoker" as a testimonial by the members of their appreciation of the work done by the officers for the past year.
