

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Ladies Restaurant.-Allnutt's Dining and Lunch Rooms, 13 Brattle street, will be open through the summer of 1884. There will be a collation served through the whole of class and commencement days. Bearders taken at reasonable rates. F. G. Allnutt, proprietor.

Political Economy 1. I will discuss thoroughly the important points of the course Wednesday evening, June 11th, from 7 to 9 at 49 College House. E. W. Frost, '84.

Quiet and desirable accommodations can be had for partices of ladies during the Class day and commencement seasons. The best of reference can be given. Apply to "Home," Cambridge, Mass.

For experienced tutor in Freshman German in the German electives, apply or address "G.," 26 Holyoke street.

Club tables.- Tables for the next year can now be engaged by applying to Miss E. M. Cotter, 10 Oxford street. Also, a few romms to be let. House opened during the vacation.


Dr. E. R. Humphreys desires to state that he has a vacancy for one pupli at present, and that during te summer vacations he will be at home to read with students for freshmen and sophomore examinations in September, and will be assisted by a Harvard Honorman in mathematics and by able teachers in modern languages. He will also then have rooms for two resident pupils. 129 West Chester Park, April 19.
