

No Headline

The popularity of a course like English 6 is well shown by the large number who have already applied for admission to the course for next year. It is to be regretted, however, that the number had to be limited to only twenty-one, as by this rule a great many persons are prevented from receiving the benefits of a course in oral discussion, a branch of instruction with which everyone should be familiar. As over thirty seniors have already handed in their names for the course, and as preference is rightly given to seniors over juniors, there is apparently small chance for any junior getting an opportunity to take the course. Now, as it is impossible from the nature of the work for over twenty-one men to take the course comfortably, and as so many men desire to take it, we should like to suggest that two sections might be formed, if the instructor can find time enough to do this. It certainly requires much more labor and time to conduct two sections, but the number in each might be less than the number in the present one, and in that way the additional work would not be as great as at first supposed. We feel sure that if some arrangement could be made to accommodate more men in English 6 the efforts of the instructor would be appreciated by the students.
