

The following clipping was taken from the Yale News of Tuesday, May 3, just after the Yale-Dartmouth ball game and must be taken as an approval of the conduct of the Yale men at that game so generally condemned by the press: "We have a word of thanks for the way in which some members of the college used their voices yesterday to bring victory out of what seemed an almost sure defeat-but why wait so long. The game cannot always be won in the last half as it was yesterday. Let the cheering be strong and hearty from the start, and with the nine that we have we need not expect again to see them so far behind."

The second clipping, which follows, was taken from the Yale News of Friday, May 6, after Yale had won another game, that against Amherst. Much the same conduct was alleged to have been exhibited at that game, but outside and inside of college the performance of the men accused was so condemnatory that the News was compelled to change its editorial tone. The sentiments expressed in this latter are much more worthy of a great college anxious to see justice and fair play for all:

"Such cheering as has been given in the last two games on our own grounds is not such as should come from Yale men, and the sentiment of the whole college rises up against it. A good series of rah-rash at the right time is what all love to hear, but for the two sides to cheer at the same moment as though pitted against one another in a cheering combat seems to us even childish. Let all see to it in the future that there cannot be laid to their door the charge of injuring Yale's reputation for the courteous treatment of visiting teams."
