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We are glad to learn that the elective pamphlet, which will be issued in a few days, will show a commendable increase in the French courses for the coming year. The present courses, which are eight in number, will be increased to eleven. Two new courses will be added in composition and conversation, which bid fair to be very interesting, as the conversation will be made quite a feature in each. The courses at present numbered five and six, will be raised to full courses, and a new course in Romance philology will be added. The graded courses, one to four, will remain essentially the same, although there will be materially less learning by heart. This learning by heart, which has occupied such a prominent place in the work of these courses, although offering many advantages to the student of the French language, has been the means of keeping many men away from the courses. The action of the French department in decreasing this somewhat disagreeable work will be appreciated by the students in the increased attendance. French 8 will be continued upon the same plan on which it is now conducted, and is intended especially for extra men. The books read during this year will all be new.

The French department will also issue a descriptive pamphlet, after the manner of the classical and political economy departments, giving a more detailed description of the courses than the small space in the elective pamphlet will permit. This practice is an excellent one and should be followed by the other departments.

It is particularly gratifying to see this enterprise on the part of the French department, as its courses have long been both popular and interesting. With carefully arranged and graded courses, with competent instructors, and with a head of recognized ability, to whom this improvement is chiefly due, the French department reflects credit both upon itself and upon the college, and can well be compared with the other departments, especially with those in modern languages.
