Although the recent defeat of the freshman nine was, perhaps, a surprise to the college, the lesson to be deducted from it is obvious, -'87 must work to win the games with Yale. Yet the nine need not feel disheartened by this game. Many things were against them ; the pitching of Andover was probably more effective than any they will have to face in the subsequent games, and the condition of the ball was such as to render good fielding almost impossible. But to win with Yale, the nine must play with more snap and life, it must be able to play an up-hill game, and must not lose confidence in itself when the score is against them. As the Yale freshmen have not a very strong nine this year and have already been defeated by a preparatory school, we hope '87 will be able, by careful training and rapid improvement, to overcome their faults in time to win the Yale games for themselves and for the college.
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