

No Headline

All that is mortal of the old HARVARD DAILY HERALD has had to undergo one more change before its name could be finally buried in the grave of the past, and in consequence of this change we come before our readers this morning as the DAILY CRIMSON. Several reasons have led us to make this alteration ; the fact that the CRIMSON is an older name, and on that account one more firmly connected with the college and its institutions, than the somewhat complex title we have been bearing ; the fact that crimson is the college color, and the agreement, based on reasons such as the foregoing, that was entered into when the two papers, the Herald and the Crimson were consolidated.

And yet we confess it is with a certain feeling of regret that we consign the name, Herald, to the past, although we hope, not to oblivion. The present board has been so strongly identified with every matation in the fortunes of the Herald, with all its ups down, that, if well-known 'indifference' did not prevent us, we should almost feel tempted to drop atear on its sepulchre. And out of the varying fortunes of the Herald the DAILY CRIMSON comes; Let us hope that in its new guise; the paper may continue the prosperous career it has hitherto had.

A contemporary of ours, the Notre Dame Scholastic, has been offering us some advice. "Say, boys," exclaims the conversational exchange editor of this sheet, hadn't you better revise your list of the 'Forty Immortals ?' Give a place to Bishop Spaulding and J. Gilmary Shea !" It is with a good deal of hesitation that we reply to this suggestion, for we must admit that until now we never knew that any such literary light was shining in the west as J. Gilmary Shea. And while we have no doubt that both Bishop Spaulding and J. Gilmary Shea are authors worthy of respect when once their works are known, still we beg to assure the exchange editor of our friendly contemporary, the Notre Dame Scholastic, that we hardly think the vote on the list would be materially changed, if its two candidates were put forward.
