Now that the annuals are so close upon us, the frequenters of the library should be careful to make as little noise as possible while moving about in the reading room. We have frequently heard complaints that some men come into the library and wander about in an aimless way, going from one alcove to another, taking down book after book, or listlessly turning over the volumes which lie upon the tables. Much of this seemingly need-less labor is, perhaps, necessary, but can undoubtedly be accomplished in a more quiet manner and with less annoyance to the other inmates of the library. Such complaints, although probably exaggerated, have more or less foundation, for it is certainly unpleasant to be interrupted in one's study by the carelessness of a few. A little attention to the convenience of all on the part of a few, will materially lessen the annoyance which the continual moving about of a small number of persons is sure to cause.
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