

Otis Tilden will umpire tomorrow's game.

The Bowdoin game, postponed from Monday, will be played Thursday.

Tickets for the Yale game may be had at Bartlett's tomorrow.

Tickets for the Amherst game may be had at Bartlett's.

There was an hour examination in Greek 1 yesterday.


The class races will take place Saturday, May 10th, at one o'clock.

Burgess, '87, has been obliged to stop rowing on account of an injury to his knee.

W. H. Coolidge, L. S., will probably play with the nine in the game on Wednesday.

Phi Beta Kappa groups of '84 at Pach's studio, Thursday, May 8th, at 1.30 P. M.

Dr. Sargent thinks that Harvard has about an even chance of winning the Mott Haven Cup.

Several Harvard students attended the celebration of Founder's Day at Vassar College.

A large number of men will accompany the freshmen on their trip to Providence this afternoon.

The freshman nine, in last Saturday's game, showed a noticeable improvement in coaching and base running.

The second eight of the O. K. from '85 is as follows : Gardiner, Goodale, McArthur, Mumford, Norton, Paulding, Roundy and Sandford.

The freshman nine plays at Andover, Wednesday. If fifty names are left at Bartletts, tickets for the round trip can be procured for $.70.
