A special meeting of the board of overseers was held in Boston Wednesday, the Hon. E. R. Hoar, president, in the chair. It was voted to concur with the president and fellows in reappointing for five years from Sept. 1st, 1884, Dudley Allen Sargent, M. D., assistant professor of physical training and director of the Hemenway gymnasium; in appointing for five years from September 1st, 1884, Edward Newton Whittier, M. D., assistant professor of clinical medicines; Frank Winthrop Draper, M. D., assistant professor of legal medicine; in appointing as clinical instructors in the dental schools for 1884-1885, Horatio Cook Merriam, D. M. D., Eben Francis Whitman, D. M. D., Allston Gray Bouve, D. M. D., Frank Perrin, D. M. D., Daniel Frank Whitten, D. M. D.; in appointing Lewis Edwards Gates assistant in forensics for the ensuing academic year; in electing Joseph Henry Thayer, D. D., Bussey professor of New Testament criticism and interpretation. The resignation of Joseph Henry Thayer, D. D., as a fellow of the corporation was communicated, and the board gave its consent that the president and fellows should proceed to an election of a fellow to fill the vacancy. It was voted to concur with the president and fellows in appointing Kemo Francke, Ph. D., instructor in German for one year from September 1st, 1884; and in electing Robert Thaxter Edes, M. D., Jackson professor of clinical medicine.
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