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Tomorrow's shoot, the last of the season, marks the close of the first year's work on the part of the Shooting Club. Founded for the purpose of giving those of our students who have a taste for shooting an opportunity for practice, it has fulfilled its purpose as far at least, as shot gun members are concerned, and is to be congratulated on the success of its first attempts.

It is highly probable that next year will show more activity on the part of the rifle-men. At one time, during the early spring, the possibility of a team match with Yale aroused some transient interest, but when it was decided that no match would be arranged this year, the interest speedily died out. It was through no fault of the Harvard Club, however, that there was no inter-collegiate match this spring, for every effort was made to induce Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, and the College of the City of New York to put rifle teams into training to shoot for the college championship. Each of these colleges answered the letters that were sent them with the statement that it was too late in the season to make any arrangements for a match. We are inclined to think that our own club was a little late in writing to these colleges, for a good rifle team cannot be put before the target on a moment's notice. If any inter-collegiate match is to be shot, all the arrangements for it ought to be completed before Christmas.

It is probable that next year will see a match shot with one of the above mentioned colleges, or with Bowdoin or Cornell. There is good material in the club for a team, and if a match is arranged there is little doubt but that Harvard will be creditably represented.


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