

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:-The attention of the writer has been called several times to the in convenience of the hour assigned to English 7 and 8. These courses are not only adapted to special work in their subjects, but to men who give the greater part of their time to work in other departments. An acquaintance with English literature is certainly not incompatible with devotion to a specialty. As matters now stand, however, they conflict with important courses in Creek, Latin, Mathematics, Modern Languages, and other departments. The difficulty could, perhaps, be easily avoided if it were not that both the English courses are desirable, and the other courses in the same group are in some instances graded courses, as in Mathematics, thus shutting some men out for ever from taking either one or both of the English courses. A careful examination of the tabular view shows that this inconvenience can be remedied, or greatly lessened by transferring the courses to some other group. Why is it not done?
