The results of the annual spring meeting of the H. A. A., which was held last Saturday, although not as successful as some, should encourage the college and the association in their hopes of winning the Inter-collegiate cup in New York this spring. In former years the contest for this cup has lain between two or three colleges which have been considered, for several reasons, as more formidable opponents. In each of these contests, however, Harvard has won, and last year, when the outlook was far from bright. surpassed her former record in the number of prizes won. This year the prospects resemble in many respects those of last year, with the assurance, however, that the various colleges which compete for this cup have never been so evenly matched. These circumstances are particularly favorable for Harvard whose team has been weakened by the loss of several promising athletes, and who might be unable, perhaps, to win against any one strong oppnent.
Columbia, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton, are all confident of making a good record for themselves, and most of them are confident of winning the cup. Judging from the faithful training which the candidates for the Mott Haven team have practiced during the past season, we may confidently expect that Harvard will again win the cup which has so many years been placed to her credit. The contest will probably be more close and exciting than for many years, but we see no reason to doubt the ability of Harvard to repeat her former victories as long as our team contains the athletes who have made themselves famous in inter-collegiate sports.
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