In a long article in a prominent daily the question of admitting women to degrees at Oxford and Cambridge is fully discussed. There is not a doubt in the author's mind but that the much sought after sanction by the college faculties will be given, and that in future years we shall have fair as well as sturdy A. M's, A. B's. and Ph. D's. Just when this golden age will arrive, cannot be safely predicted, nor may the present generation hope to see it. Yet, when we look at the debatable point logically, a point at which the divines of England are launching their stores of old saws, proverbs and "antediluvian nonsense," as Dr. Collier sensibly calls it, all opposition ought and eventually will cease. A letter from one of the leading ministers of England states that "women are inferior to men and consequently their sphere is different," with other statements of the same sort which are by no means arguments that women ought not to receive the same privileges for a certain amount of study as men. This opposition to the education of women is worthy of more early times, and certainly reflects little credit on a century that prides itself on liberality of thought and education. Much as has been said about the evil consequences which will arise from the higher education of women; all has been refuted by the few examples who, braving the storm of public sentiment (a sentiment by the bye already changed and now favorable to what it formerly censured) have gonr through a college course uninjured morally, and greatly benefited intellectually. The unexpected success in America of the vauious college annexes ought aid the thinkers in England in solving the difficult problem and show them that here, at least, popular prejudice has been changed by the successful result of an experiment. That woman ought not to receive the same salary as men is evident, because they are personally weaker and cannot endure what men can. Yet, to say that a women ought not to get a degree, simply because she is a woman, even when she passes the same examinations and does the same amount of work as a man, is unreasoning obstinacy. Let us hope this simple question will be settled without more ado, and let the English faculties grant for a certain amount of work a proportionate reward to women, just as they now grant them a certificate. If the question must still be quibbled over and discussed, the men who are now blindly opposing a liberal idea, will some day awake and see to their surprise, like the fabled mountain, what a small mouse they have labored over.
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