Marks in freshman Latin were given out yesterday.
The Phi Beta Kappa group will be at 10.20 Thursday morning.
There was a very good account of the celebration in yesterday's Globe.
Contestants who won prizes at the spring meetings may get them at 1 Gray's.
In the first round of the tennis tournament, Wheelwright defeated Peirson 4-6, 6-0, 6-2.
The fourth competition for the claypigeon cup will be shot at Watertown this afterno
Prof. Lovering today continues his course of lectures on "Electricity and Magnetism."
The section taking Latin 2 will commence the reading of Catullus next Thursday.
Harvard vs. Beacons on Jarvis field at 4 o'clock today. Nichols will probably pitch for the Beacons.
The freshman game with Exeter scheduled for yesterday afternoon was postponed on account of the rain.
The Boston Globe of yesterday contained a column account of the celebration in the yard Monday night.
In the league games yesterday, Boston defeated Philadelphia 3 to 0, and Providence defeated New York 2 to 1.
All those who intend to accompany the nine on Friday will please sign the book at Bartlett's as soon as possible. Book closes at noon on Thursday.
The game with Brown on Friday will be played on the Providence base-ball grounds, instead of the Brown grounds. Horse cars run directly to the grounds.
The way they do at Brown. The registrar of Brown University provided the material for the bonfire with which the students celebrated their victory over Princeton.
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