The elective pamphlet for which we have waited so many days was distributed among the students on last Saturday. Nearly all the departments show a commendable increase in the number of courses, noticeably the English and French departments. A welcome addition tot English instruction will be the course numbered 12, under Mr. Wendell. This course is intended for men who are hardly sufficiently advanced to take 5 (which remains the same as it is this year) but who desire to continue their study of English composition. It may be used, like 5, as an equivalent of junior themes and a half-course of elective study, and will count for honorable mention in English composition. the revival of 6, which will be given this year under Dr. Royce, will be another improvement in the English department.
The changes in the French courses we have already noted. Mr. Scribner's place will be occupied by Mr. cohn, who will conduct 1, 4, 6 and 10. The German courses remain practically the same, but will be somewhat differently conducted, as Profs. Shelden and Bartlett are the only instructors of the present year who will remain. The Spanish courses will be conducted by Prof. Nash; Prof. palmer returns to conduct his courses in Philosophy, and the Fine Arts courses will be crippled by the absence of Profit. Norton.
In the other courses there seems to be little change. In History, however, Mr. Hart has another course, mumbled 18, in the history of the North American Colonies, and their Growth into a Federal Union (1600-1789). The second half-year of course 18. covering the period from 1750 to 1789, may be taken as a half-course by the students who have already taken course 2. Other student may take it with the special permission of the instructor.
The electives are classed in the same manner as before, and the me rules and directions are given as before with the exception that no students is allowed to take less than the equivalent of three half-courses, except by special permission of the dean, during either half-year. Taken as a whole, the electives, offering the broadest opportunities for diligent research in the various courses of study, are the most liberal offered by any college in the country, and reflect great credit upon the university.
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The Ninety-One Nine.