

Yale '87, plays the Brown Freshmen today at Providence.

Yesterday's paper in analytics was extremely fair.

The Bostons lost their second game of this year to the Detroits yesterday; 2 to 4.

The Yale freshmen are endeavoring to form a lacrosse twelve to meet our freshman team.

The university game this afternoon will probably be attended by a large number of strangers.


Columbia will have a representative in every event at the Inter-collegiate except the pole vault.

The freshmen play at Fitchburg today. Baker and Litchfield will probably form their battery.

The books from the Inter-collegiate Book Exchange Company have been received at the co-operative office.

The result of the Harvard-Yale and the Princeton-Dartmouth games today will be posted at Leavitt and Peirce's.

Amherst's first baseman, Hunt, who recently met with an injury, will be able to play again within three weeks.

Writers of Commencement Parts will read their essays to the committee in Sanders Theatre, beginning at 9 this forenoon.

A telegram was received last night to the effect that the New York University lacrosse team would be unable to play here on Monday.

At Brown, the base-ball association gives a season ticket to all games to every member of the college.

The Brown freshmen who accompanied their nine up to Cambridge Thursday, found little chance to applaud their play in the game.

Nine "co-eds" of Washington University, St. Louis, will soon give a dramatic presentation of one of the comedies of Plautus.
