The spring concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality, Wednesday evening 8th, was a success in every way. The orchestral members of the Pierian and the glees of the club showed careful training on the part of the leaders. In respect of shading and delicacy both organizations show much improvement since the fall concert. A welcome member was the Larghetto, by Prof. Paine, written as a trio for piano and strings. It is as pleasing as a concert piece as it is remarkable as a composition. We hope that the Pierian will not fail to continue in this branch of music for which they seem to possess most talent. Mr. Lilienthal was warmly greeted and encored at the end of his song. Mr. Cabot's fine 'cello playing was likewise much enjoyed. A pleasant feature of the concert was a trio with a new yodel. by Mr. Dorr, which was duly applauded and encored. Altogether the concert has not been less successful nor less deserving of success than any of its predecessors within late years.
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N. Y. A. C. Games.