For Sale-A 56-inch bicycle, formerly owned by J. E. Mellen. Enquire at 19 Thayer.
Lost-Left in one of the recitation rooms in Sever, in French 8, on Wednesday, a rubber Mackintosh coat. The finder will greatly oblige the owner by leaving it at Leavitt and Pierce's.
The printed notes in Fine Arts 3 will be complete and on sale at the Co-operative after 12, today.
Lost-on Jarvis field, Monday, a small brown plush bag, containing a pair of white opera glasses. Finder please return to Leavitt and Pierce and receive suitable reward.
Printed notes for the last half year in Fine Arts 3 and History 12 are now on sale at the Co-operative rooms.
The lacrosse uniforms which have given such universal satisfaction, were made by J. W. Brine, 10 Harvard row.
German-A German graduate of the University of Gottingen, who has a good command of English, offers tutoring and instruction in German. References given. Dr. C. F. S., 19 Hilliard street. At home, 8 to 11 A. M., 4 to 6 P. M., after 7.30 P. M.
Tutoring in Philosophy 3. J. A. Hill, 34 C. H.
For sale cheap-An imported "Harvard" bicycle, in perfect condition and newly painted. F. Bullard, 52 Brattle St.
The Himalaya shawl taken by mistake from the ante-room in Sever Hall on the evening of last Monday (May 5) may be returned to Mr. Jones, or to the owner, 38 Concord avenue.
An order for $16 worth of livery hire at Pike's livery, will be sold for $12.00. A. A. Waterman.
H. H. Tuttle and Co. keep constantly on hand a fine stock of gentlemen's boots and shoes. See advertisement.
Tutoring in N. H. 8 and Phil. 3. H. Webster, 43 Holyoke.
Dr. E. R. Humphreys desires to state that he has a vacancy for one pupil at present, and that during the summer vacation he will be at home to read with students for freshmen and sophomore examinations in September, and will be assisted by a Harvard Honorman in mathematics and by able teachers in modern languages. He will also then have rooms for two resident pudils. 129 West Chester Park, April 19.
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