

Last night at 8 o'clock the Princeton nine was serenaded by the Glee Club and the new brass band, and the open air concert attracted an unusually large audience. The singing of the Glee Club was remarkably good and the happy introduction of Mr. Stewardts warbling constituted one of the most pleasant features of the evening serenade. After great cheering for the Princeton and home nines the brass band was loudly called for from seemingly all portions of the yard. The brass band coyly responded and agreeably surprised all parties. The selections were most creditably performed, and we have reason to be proud of the musical talent which has long been latent, but now, thanks to Mr. Holt, will afford great pleasure to the students during the long summer evenings. After a number of glees and selections the band marched around the yard followed by the nine, who were carried by classmates. The yard was enlivened by red and green lights and we have reason to congratulate ourselves on the welcome given our friendly rivals of Princeton.
