Today we meet Yale in base-ball for the first time this year. The heavy batting and strong fielding which the nine has shown has been sufficient to inspire among the students a great deal of confidence in our success this afternoon. While the Yale nine is hardly as strong as the team of last year, still they are, of course, very formidable antagonists, and it will be necessary for our nine to do their best work if they achieve that success for which we hope.
But there is another point of interest in the game beyond mere victory ; it will, to a certain extent, define Harvard's chances of winning the championship pannant. While the game with Amherst was a disappointment in one way, yet, after all, it ought to be an encouragement to the nine, for it showed a marked improvement in batting, and proved that they were capable of playing a plucky up-hill game when the score was against them. There ought to be no lack of confidence this afternoon. As we did the nine, in the name of the college, 'good luck' in this their first game with Yale, we wish to assure them that whether or not victory shall come to the crimson, the college fully appreciates the faithful and earnest work which both the captain and men have done throughout the year.
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