

There will be no recitation in Greek 1, tomorrow.

A canoe club is soon to be formed in Boston.

No recitation was held in History 1, yesterday.

Hernani group this morning, at 10 o'clock, at 23 Beck Hall.

The sophomore crew got upon the water twice, yesterday.


The Yale bicycle club has adopted a design for a club pin.

The freshmen play the Newton high school, at Newton, tomorrow.

The freshmen will probably arrange a game with the Brown freshmen soon.

The Pi Eta theatricals will be repeated at the society rooms tomorrow evening.

A special meeting of the overseers is to be held at 70 Water street, Boston, today.

Mr. A. M. Packard, of the law school, has been obliged by illness to leave college for a short time.

Candidates for the Mott Haven team have an allowance of $2.00 per week for extras at Memorial.

In the last ten years over $35, 622,000 have been donated to colleges in this country, and since 1847 more than fifty millions.

Mr. Briggs' lecture today will be on Argumentative Composition. Special subject, The Fifth Sophomore Theme.

The Cornell Sun is to institute a presidential canvass among the undergraduates, similar to that recently completed here.
