The Princeton university crew was chosen Saturday, as follows: Bow, Green, '85; No. 2, finney, '84; NO. 3, Harris, '85; No. 2, Finney, '84; No. 3, Harris, '86; stroke and captain, Bird '85. the second crew will consist of: Bow, Kempshall, '85; stroke, B. Smith, '85. The two crews are in training for the first races, which will be at Newark, on May 30th and 31st. On the Harlem the second crew will contest junior crews. The crews are under the training of George Hosmer.
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No HeadlineThe editorial board of the HERALD as at present constituted is as follows : A. C. DENNISTON, President. F. I.
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DARTMOUTH.HANOVER, N. H., Dec. 14, 1882. - The fall term closes at noon on the 19th of this month. A
THE UNIVERSITY NINE.The University Nine may now be seen every afternoon at work in the gymnasium. The time between two and five