The present college year has been made memorable by the founding of three new athletic organizations by our undergraduates. Of these, the shooting club has at least kept itself prominently before the college, and there is every reason to suppose that it has served the purpose for which it was started, to popularize shooting among the students. The polo club has hardly had opportunity as yet to bring itself into notice, but now that a favorable season has come for regular practice, it will without doubt make its existence known.
The canoe club, the last organized of the three new associations, has a field for usefulness which it can easily fill. There has been a need long felt for some means of obtaining exercise on the water which should be available to men who are, for various reasons, unable to gain a seat in any of our numerous crews. To meet this want, the canoe club was founded. There can certainly be no pleasanter or more invigorating sport than canoeing, and men who have once experienced the fascination of the double-bladed paddle will not be slow in joining the newly founded club.
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