In stock: Spencer's Data of Ethics, for Philosophy 2.
A line of Tennis Rackets, Balls, Nets and Poles, Lacrosse Sticks, Base Balls and Bats, Dumb Bells and Indian Clubs (reduced in price.)
A lot of fine Cutlery will be ready May 1st. Shaving Hair, Hat and Tooth Brushes have recently been added to the stock, also Hand Mirrors and Combs.
Mr. Russell, a publisher in New York, and a recent graduate of Princeton, who is proprietor of the Inter-collegiate Book Exchange, will be at the Co-operative office each day until Monday, May 5th, to make exchanges of books with Harvard students. The Society's errand-boy can be employed to collect books. The superintendent suggests that members who have unsolvable books on sale at the office withdraw them and exchange for new books if the opportunity seems to be a good one.
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