Eds. Herald-Crimson :-As I have received word directly from the managers of the Yale, '87, base ball team that they have decided to demand the first game in New Haven, it may be interesting to the class to know exactly what has passed between Mr. Kent, manager of the Yale team, and myself. Mr. Kent first wrote very early in the year, February 24, stating that Yale would much prefer to have the game in New Haven, as it would be much pleasanter for them if they won. In the case of the football game, they yielded to us, and therefore, he argued, in the baseball game we should yield to them. Not wishing to begin a discussion so early in the year, I wrote in reply, that, owing to the very undeveloped state of our nine, it seemed best to leave all definite arrangements until later on. The next word from New Haven came in a letter dated March 24, asking for a conference at Springfield. In reply, I wrote as follows :
WORCHESTER, April 2, 1884.
Mr. Kent,
Dear Sir :-Yours of March 24th was duly received, and I should have replied sooner, but have waited to ascertain what days the university would use Jarvis field, and I wished to learn what the class thought in reference to our game with you. I have spoken with Loud, captain of our team, and we have decided that, if possible, we had better arrange the games by correspondence, as the expense of meeting you at Springfield would be considerable, and it seemed hardly necessary to do so. I am sorry that I have to ask you to play the first game in Cambridge, but it seems to be the unanimous wish of our class and college that the first game take place there. This is determined, and I feel confident that when you consider that the classes of '84, '85 and '86 all went to New Haven for the first game, you will agree to the request of '87 without dispute. In the first letter I received from you, you referred to the fact that your foot-ball team came to Cambridge this year, but of course you know there is no connection between the foot-ball and base-ball games, and unless I am misinformed, it was your turn to come to Cambridge for that game.
As regards the dates of our games, I have just received a letter from Loud, saying that May 24 is the best date for the first game ; June 7 for the second, in New Haven, and in case of a tie, the 14th or 21st in some place at Springfield. Hoping that you will be suited with the above schedule, I am
Yours truly, W. B. SCOFIELD.Mr. Kent replied as follows :
April 7, 1884.
Dear Sir :-We agree to play the first game at Harvard on May 17th, if you will play the second here on the 24th, and in case of a tie, the third at Springfield, on the 31st. Our annuals compel us to finish the games as early as possible. The second game, if played on the 24th, will be a financial success, as the park will be used by us alone and the receipts are sure to be large. The terms are, I think, fairly enough, one-half gate receipts, and one-half expenses at all games,-net receipts I mean. Please let me know if these points are satisfactory. They seem at least fair to us. I am
Yours, WM. KENT.As we had already arranged a game with the Phillips Manufacturing Company, of Fitchburg, for May 17th, and as the examination in chemistry came the 24th, I wrote to Mr. Kent, stating that it would be impossible for us to play on those dates, unless we played here the 24th, and I asked if he would agree to play the first game in Cambridge, May 24th, and the second in New Haven, May 31st. To this no direct answer has as yet been received ; but it seems from various reports from Yale sources, that Yale, '87, being dissatisfied with Mr. Kent's course, has voted not to play with us at all unless we consent to play them the first game May 24th in New Haven. We confidently expect that they have also kindly settled the exact hour and minute at which the game shall begin, in order to save us all unnecessary trouble.
W. B. SCOFIELD, Manager Harvard, '87, B. B. C.
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