Since writing the above, we have received the Yale News of Friday, in which is printed a most astonishing editorial on the subject. The News claims that as so many concessions have been made to Harvard in regard to the freshman foot-ball games during the last three years, that the concession in regard to the first freshman ball-game should be made to Yale. In support of the supposed concessions made to Harvard's foot-ball teams, the News prints a series of charges which, if true, are most damaging to Harvard. As these charges to us are incredible, we have requested the managers of '85, '86 and '87 foot-ball teams to reply to them. These replies we print in another column, and we think they speak for themselves. In this matter, it seems to us that the News has forgotten one of the most important essentials to all editorial writing,-the solid basis of fact, and we doubt very much if that paper represents in any way the managers of the Yale teams in question.
Although we have given so much space to disproving the charges made by the News, we do not at all believe that the foot-ball arrangements should influence those of the freshman base-ball teams.
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