

The Yale freshman are said to have a very strong crew.

The juniors received their new shell from Waters on Saturday.

Club table 24 will play a game of base-ball with the Asonets on Tuesday afternoon.

Cochrane, '87, the captain of the freshman eleven and anchor of the freshman tug-of-war team, has left college.

The game at Fitchburg was not played on Saturday, as a telegram was received stating that on account of the storm the grounds were in bad condition.


Boston vs. Metropolitans today, on the Boston base-ball grounds. There will be no other opportunity to see the only nine outside of the league, which has ever successfully faced the champions.

Aldrich, the Adams pitcher, showed up very well on Saturday, as a large number of the hits scored against him were due to the poor fielding of the nine. Pocock, the catcher, caught a plucky game, as he had a split finger.

In our report of the Harvard Union Convention, which appeared in our issue of Friday, the names of Mr. H. M. Sewall, L. S., as the nominator of Carlisle and Mr. G. H. Eaton, L. S., as the nominator of Edmunds were inadvertently omitted.

The members of freshman Minimum Physics are requested to supply themselves with copies of the fourth part of Deschanel's Physics.

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