

Yesterday the fifth and last competition for the Walnut Hill cup was contested at Watertown. The cup had been previously won twice by Mr. Slocum, and once by Messrs. W. L. Allen and C. C. Foster, respectively.

Mr. Slocum yesterday was successful in winning the cup for the third and final time, and it now becomes his property. In accordance with the conditions of the match, Messrs. Foster and Allen are tied for second place, for which a silver medal was offered. These ties will be shot off at the next meeting. After the cup competition had been finished several other matches were shot, the scores running fairly high. The afternoon was fairly favorable for shooting, though the cloudy light made it difficult at times to see the clay pigeons.

The next meeting at Watertown will be held on Wednesday, the 30th, when a new competition will be opened at clay pigeons, on conditions to be announced later.

Following is the summary :

Match 1. Walnut Hill cup, 15 glass balls, 18 yards rise. First, W. H. Slocum, 12 balls ; second, F. Austin, F. S. Palmer, 11 balls.


Mr. H. W. Abbot, '86, broke 13 balls out of his 15, but was not a competitor for the cup.

Match 2. Five clay pigeons, 16 yards rise. First, Slocum, Palmer, Foster ; second, F. Austin.

Match 3. Same conditions. First, Slocum ; second, Allen, Palmer, Foster.

Match 4. Same conditions. First, Slocum ; second, Allen, F. Austin.

Match 5. Same conditions. First, F. Austin, Palmer ; second, Foster.
