

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

For sale-4 tickets to the Pudding theatricals for Saturday afternoon. Apply at 18 Holworthy.

Will the man who, by mistake took a Derby hat from the library at 11 A. M., Apr. 24, please return it to George S. Taylor, 6 Garden St.

For sale.-A 50-inch, half-nickel, "Special Club" Bicycle, recently put in first-rate condition. Inquire at 35 Matthews Hall.

For sale-Gordon Setter Puppies of finest breeding, from Scott's Denny. Queen Bess-Doane's Tom) by Kent II. (St. Kilda-Lathrope Dick). Guaranteed to make field workers. Can be seen at 282 North Avenue.

Wanted-Two seats for Saturday's H. P. C. 26 L. B.


Lost-A nickel-plated 56-inch Harvard Bicycle from the basement of Thayer. The owner hopes the machine will be promptly returned.

Lost-Will the person who removed the cyclometer from the bicycle in the basement of Thayer south entry please replace the same at once to avoid publicity.

Found-Last Saturday, on Jarvis, a silk umbrella. Owner can obtain property by applying to Tom O'Hara on Iarvis Field.

For sale-A 50-inch nickel-plated "Harvard" Bicycle, in good condition. Apply at 6 Matthews, or to Janitor.

For sale-Five tickets for the Saturday afternoon, April 26th, performance of the Hasty Pudding Club theatricals, at Leavitt and Peirce's.

Tutor in freshman Mathematics, especially Algebra, by one who has had a four year's experience. Thos. C. Bachelder, '83.

Mr. H. L. Hurlbut, tailor, 125 Tremont street, has received his selection of spring woollens. Harvard students are invited to make an examination.

For nobby stylish boots and shoes go to H. H. Tuttle and Co., they are the agents of the Co-operative Society.
