
H. A. A.

All members of the university who have ever had any thoughts of participating in track athletics are earnestly urged to begin practice immediately. It is now less than a month before the inter-collegiate sports, and our chances for the cup are not as good as they were at this time last year, owing to the loss of Messrs. Kip, Soren and Morrison. We need to strain every nerve to win. Most members of last year's team have been training for some time, but there seems to be a lack of new men. It would be well for the freshmen, sophomores and juniors, to remember that not only our chances for this year, but for coming years as well, depend largely on the work done during the next month. The senior and sophomore class meeting will take place on Monday, May 12th ; that of the juniors and freshmen on Tuesday, May 13th, and the university meeting on Saturday, May 17th. We hope to see every event well filled. Hereafter, one of the stewards of the H. A. A. will be on the track from 11 to 12, every morning, to time any runners who may wish to be timed, and to give any other help they can. Men who intend to practice pole vaulting, will generally find some one to instruct them on Jarvis field, between 12 and 1 every day. All men who intend to try for the Mott Haven tug-of-war team, are requested to be on hand at the gymnasium, at 4.15 today. Participants in the winter meetings who have not had their entrance fees returned, can obtain them at 1 Grays.
