

At a meeting of the Freshman Club held on Friday evening, April 11th, 1884, it was voted that Messrs. J. L. Snelling, G. A. Morrison, and F. A. Jones be a committee to draw up resolutions upon the death of their classmate, Ruluff Sterling Choate.

They submit the following :

Whereas, The Freshman class of Harvard College have lost from their midst their class-mate, Ruluff Sterling Choate :

Resolved, That in his loss they mourn the death of one of their most promising members whose mental attainments and social gifts gave him a high place in the admiration and aflectior of his class-mates, which time and longer friendship could only have strengthened and confirmed.

Resoived, That we deeply lament his untimely death, and will every retain an affectionate remembrance of his many endeavoring qualities, his open nature, his ready wit and clear judgment.


Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased class-mate as an expression of our sincere sympathy in their great bereavement.

J. L. Snelling,G. A. Morrison,F. R. Jones, For the class.
